Spring color has finally arrived....

Good morning.... It's a chilly 33 degrees this morning. We have been having some chilly days and cold over night lows in the low 20's. We even woke to some snow on the ground a day or two ago. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the weather guesser is right and we hit a high of 69.
I know my posts have been far and few between, but we are all doing well and as always thanks to you who message me to check in to make sure we are doing OK.
Well we finally have some bloom color other then green lawns and pastures. Some of the tulips I planted last October have finally started to break. I've been waiting with bated breath for two weeks to see a pop of color and they are not disappointing. I will definitely be planting more in the Fall.
The moving of our back lawn for my Rose Garden is moving along, albeit a little slower then my sometimes impatient personality likes.;) To remind you of my Win/Win idea I pitched to the hubby, he is using the front loader to roll the lawn like Sod and moving to the large circular area inside our circular driveway. We have always wanted a lawn in this area. The grass seems to be handling the move, it's just a lot more work then what I imagined. Fortunately the hubby is pleased how it is turning out so the extra work is worth it.
Sharing a pic of some of the tulips that just stared to open.:)
Hoping you all have a wonderful day..... Lori


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