A time honored chore...

One of those old time honored chores, a trip to the wood shed.:( This shed is one of the most important structures on our farm. We cut on average 7-8 cords of wood every Fall for our winter heat. A HUGE money saver for us. Plus the trees we cut in the woods are dead or blown down trees which cuts down on dry brush. From here we store about a 1/2 cord in the garage for convenience which the "Hubby" usually keeps stocked. Unfortunately we went through quite a bit during the last cold snap so... I'm going to load a wheel barrow full for now, and when he gets home he can restock the garage.;)

Life here is always about planning and prepping ahead... Have to give credit to the two guys... Cutting the wood is the first step, unloading and splitting goes a lot faster when you have a log splitter and a assistant.


  1. I remember those days of heating with wood and I know our sons remember all the chores stacking and hauling daily. But they sure did love stretching out by the wood stove before bed.

    It looks as if you have enough to last you a while!

  2. I also use a woodstove as my primary source of heat - it's a lot of work but so worth it!! My daughters have the chore of lugging the wood into the house, while I nag them about kicking off their shoes at the door - it's a constant battle!


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