Lessons learned.... Tips for growing healthy beautiful Tomatos


Nothing tastes better or looks more delicious then big juicy tomatoes. That is unless they look like this. This post offers a few tips on helping prevent splitting tomatoes in your garden.

Why do Tomato Plants Split?

Spitting is usually caused by the tomato plant absorbing water too quickly.  The inside expands from the water absorption but skin can’t stretch to accommodate the extra fluid.  So, the skin splits and heals up.
This can be caused by several scenarios...

You forget to water regularly and the soil gets to dry. When you do water, the plant absorbs the water quickly and the skins split. Or....

You  water regularly but on the hot dog days of summer the heat is taking its toll.  The heat sucks the moister out during the day and the plants dry out.  When you have time to water, the plants absorb the water to fast and you get splitting. Or....
Your garden is lacking in good organic matter to help hold the moisture during the day, the soil drys out and when you water the plants they absorb the water to fast and you get splitting. 

Your Tomatoes are fine to eat...

They should be picked sooner then later. Try putting them in a sunny window if they are still green.

Ways to help prevent splitting....

  Try to maintain soil moisture by watering frequently and deeply
  Use a good mulch to cover soil around tomatoes to retain moisture 
  Plant varieties that grow well in hotter climates


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